Winning Happening
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline matrix-building thoughtware-upgrade context-shift personal-transformation game called, powered by Possibility Management. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness. No one can do this for you. No one can stop you from doing it. Our theory is that when we collectively build one million more Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code WINNHAPP.00 to log your Matrix Points at Thank you for playing full out!
What Is Winning Happening?
A force of nature... A Bright Principle... The space wins...
Winning Happening Experiments
Losing Happening
Matrix Code WINNHAPP.01
In your BEEP! Book write down thirteen characteristics of Losing Happening, for example:
Whining happening! Wining and dining happening?
Feeling jealous, feeling sorry for yourself, criticizing yourself or others,
complaining, getting revenge, feeling hopeless...
These are characteristics that make winning scarce, makes only one winner.
Then for the next three days, three times a day, create situations where losing is happening on purpose.
Notice what happens in the space. Notice the levels of energy, collaboration, aliveness, respect, ideas, positive outcomes, possibilities.
Notice the consequences of creating losing happening, also known in Modern Culture as "winning" for only one person.
Enter Matrix Code WINNHAPP.01 in your free account at
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Always Win
Matrix Code WINNHAPP.02
For one week, your job is to always win.
Do whatever it takes to win.
Win the argument, the competition, be the fastest, be the first in line, be the first through the stop light, be the loudest, get the most attention, take the most time, even if this is against your Box.
Any time you want, and at least once at the end of the week, write about how this went in your BEEP! Book.
Enter Matrix Code WINNHAPP.02 in your free account at
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Always Lose
Matrix Code WINNHAPP.03
For the next week, do whatever it takes to lose, even if it is against your Box.
Be careful that you are not trying to lose a little less than someone else, or else you are back to trying to win; don't be the second loser, it is about losing the most. Become committed to losing for a week.
Any time you want, and at least once at the end of the week, write about how this went in your BEEP! Book.
Then enter Matrix Code WINNHAPP.03 in your free account at
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Observe Children
Matrix Code WINNHAPP.04
For this experiment, arrange a way to observe small children playing who are 3-4 years old, not more than 5 years old.
For at least an hour, watch how they interact, and where the winning is happening. Notice what happens when there is a loser, to the interaction. Lower your numbness bar to be with the children while you watch. Take notes in your BEEP! Book.
Enter Matrix Code WINNHAPP.04 in your free account at
This Experiment is worth x Matrix Points.
Creating Winning Happening
Matrix Code WINNHAPP.05
For the next three days, create Winning Happening.
Create other people winning and win through other people winning.
For example, liberate someones potential. Solve someone else's problem. Flow power to someone. Arrange for a person to be recognized in public.
One time I was on a plane in the night, and in first class the flight attendant was passing out chocolate, and I asked if they could give one to my friend who was in the regular part of the plane.
This is about not rescuing. This is not about compromising or making people feel better. This is also not about comparing others to you and making them higher than you.
Write about how this went in your BEEP! Book. Enter Matrix Code WINNHAPP.05 in your free account at
This Experiment is worth x Matrix Points.
Learn to Make Proposals
Matrix Code WINNHAPP.06
A usual pattern is to complain or point out what doesn't work, in a team, project relationship, family.
For example, you sit down at the dinner table and complain that the kids never do their chores.
For this experiment, for one week, at least once a day, when you notice you have a complaint, instead of complaining, skip the complaining and move straight to making a proposal.
Your proposal will probably be non-linear, something that turns the problem into an ecstatic collaboration.
You might even involve people in creating a solution. The point is not to find the solution, or even to solve the problem. The point is be on a collaborative journey.
Write about the proposal making you do in your BEEP! Book.
Enter Matrix Code WINNHAPP.06 in your free account at
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Learn to Build a Winning Happening Gameworld
Matrix Code WINNHAPP.07
Read Finite and Infinite Games by James P. Carse.
Read this book to learn to be a builder to build infinite games.
Build an Infinite Game.
It could be small, or it doesn't have to be small, build any scale of Infinite Game.
As soon as somebody includes themselves in your infinite game, add your Matrix Points.
Enter Matrix Code WINNHAPP.07 in your free account at
This Experiment is worth x Matrix Points.
Become a Sweeper
Matrix Code WINNHAPP.08
If you want to know what a Sweeper is, read Thief of Time by Terry Pratchett.
For this experiment, grab yourself a broom and as often as you can, go around sweeping. Sweep in other people's yards, in the office, on sidewalks, in parking lots, where you work, with the purpose of holding a swept space.
You are are holding and navigating extraordinary and archetypally held space in the role of a Sweeper. You are creating impeccable space that is swept, attentively cared for.
Be a sweeper until on three occasions, people come to you and say "I really appreciate your sweeping," without you telling them anything about your experiment, then collect your Matrix points.
Enter Matrix Code WINNHAPP.08 in your free account at
This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Experience the Bright Principle of Winning Happening
Matrix Code WINNHAPP.09
The Bright Principle of Winning Happening has a particular experience. It creates a particular sensation in the space, when the space has been navigated so Winning is Happening.
This experiment is to lower your numbness bar and start noticing when that Bright Principle is entering the space, and navigate so that Winning is Happening more often.
Do this at least three different times in three to five days.
Each time, write down in your BEEP! Book about what works and what doesn't work to navigate to that space.
Enter Matrix Code WINNHAPP.09 in your free account at This Experiment is worth x Matrix Points.
Interview a Loser
Matrix Code WINNHAPP.10
Find a loser. (Not in a mirror.)
Find someone who thinks that they are losing, acts like they are losing, and go to them and tell them you are doing a research project about potential.
Ask to interview them about what happened to their potential. In the interview, ask them, "What happened to your potential? Please explain to me what happened to the possible results you though you were going to get that you didn't."
You will need to do vacuum listening.
Ask the question three times. The first time they will give you a logical answer.
The second time you ask they will think you are attacking them.
The third time they will start to feel something.
Keep going, you are a researcher.
Your real point is to find out what happened that they found themselves in this place of regarding themselves as having lost. What is the benefit of that, of them carrying the story that they have lost the great gamble of life. What is the benefit of them being a loser?
Write an article about The Archeology of Losing. Publish the article and then claim your Matrix Points.
Enter Matrix Code WINNHAPP.10 in your free account at This Experiment is worth x Matrix Points.
Join the Winning Happening
Matrix Code WINNHAPP.11
For two weeks, notice when someone else is winning, and notice the moments where you decide to not be part of their winning.
Notice when you leave the room either physically or energetically to not be part of their team. Notice where you believe you don't benefit from their winning.
Immediately, look to find ways that you ARE part of their winning. Even move toward the person to tell them about how their winning is also winning for you. Be real about it.
For example when someone gets recognition for work that you are also trying to do, you can tell them how their rewarded work brings attention to the gameworld you are also empowering.
Enter Matrix Code WINNHAPP.11 in your free account at This Experiment is worth x Matrix Points.
Portrait of a Loser
Matrix Code WINNHAPP.12
In your BEEP! Book, draw a detailed diagram of yourself as a loser.
Use circles and arrows to point out and label the ways you can tell you are a loser. Include posture, clothing facial expressions, behaviours.
Enter Matrix Code WINNHAPP.12 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 1 Matrix Point.
Matrix Code WINNHAPP.13
Read the Map of Possibility website until you get it that it is impossible to be a victim. How it is, in reality, impossible it is to be a victim.
Then write an article about how impossible it is to be a loser, using the same kind of proof and logic and clarity, because if you have survived to this point, you have already won, just from being alive.
There is nothing in the world, in reality, that can make you a loser.
Enter Matrix Code WINNHAPP.14 in your free account at This Experiment is worth 2 Matrix Points.
Walk Through the World in the Way of a Millionaire of Winning Happening Currency
Matrix Code WINNHAPP.14
Collaborate with the bigger gameworld of Life on Planet Earth, such as the whole gameworld wins better (without being a responsible victim who has to do it to save us all).
You will know you are getting results when you get thanks for doing it, for creating more possibility for life on Planet Earth.
When this happens, enter Matrix Code WINNHAPP.15 in your free account at
This Experiment is worth 3 Matrix Points, and... keep doing it.